Do I really want God the way I say I do?
How many of you are indecisive about living for God? What is getting in the way of you fully pursuing Christ? Is part of your heart wanting to live for the world and has cause you to become indecisive about Christ?
You see the light but have yet to walk further into it. It is like you peek around the corner at God wanting to say something, but eventually tiptoe away only to say "I'll catch him some other time." but that "I'll catch him some other time" becomes a habit. Why must we live our lives enjoying the concept of going to church, hearing the word and loving what we hear, but afterwards you leave the same way that you came. We have this appeal to hear about Christ but struggle to actually know him for ourselves. How much time are we wasting in our existence? We are not here to just exist, we are here to fulfill the purpose in contributing to the Kingdom. I'm very sure you are not alone in this matter. Here are some pointers of what may be the cause of your indecisive relationship with Christ.
1. Sin Nature.
And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can't. I want to do what is good, but I don't. I don't want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. But if I do what I don't want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong. it is sin living in me that does it." Romans 7:18-20
Let's face it, we are addicted to satisfying what our flesh desires.
Our Sin Nature is the root to our indecisiveness. We want to be in tune with God but we also do not want to miss out on the reality of the World. Why is that? As humans, we enjoy what we know God does not desire for us to have, so we take what we think is best and present it to God to bless. We put God in this box of ours and expect him to move on our timing when what we are asking for is only to contribute to our sin nature. How must we put to dead our sin nature? Are you willing to place your fleshly desires at the feet of the Father? If God is tuggin' on your heart, your sin nature will continue to provoke you into drawing closer to it. The enemy is aware of your attempt to
change. So his parties in your mind, heart, and spirit will continue because he is trying to keep you away from God. So really self-evaluate some things in your life. Ask God to make it plain to you what is keeping you from fully pursuing him.
Ask him to reveal the sin that is so deeply rooted inside. Really be honest with yourself during this process because the more you cut corners the more you'll keep on restricting yourself from God's love to be free from your sins. Repenting of your sins is very important in your walk with Christ. For you're his reflection in the kingdom and if your heart is still filled with your sin nature then how can God operate through you? You are indecisive about giving up certain parts of your life because it makes you
feel good. It is the sin within you that is causing you to be confused about going forth in Christ. You are still bound to the ways of the world. Jesus Christ is the way to deliverance. So if you're still struggling with your sin nature know that God is only one call away to cut those branches and create a clean heart within you to now help with your decision.
2. Badly Influenced by Peers.
"Don't be fooled by those who say such things, for "bad company corrupts good character." 1 Corinthians 15:33
Is who you're hanging around influencing you to remain stagnant in your decision making about Christ? We've all had some friends in our life that were not a good influence spiritually. Those people have become a hindrance in your walk. They distract you from your time spent with Christ because you have filled your mind up with those "You're acting funny" speeches. You care about your friends because pleasing them remains on your agenda. You do not want to lose them so you do everything you can to satisfy them to avoid those "You're acting funny" speeches. What are those speeches? Why must those speeches bother you? If they truly were your friend, they would respect your decision to live for Christ. This is God's way of saying pay attention to your surroundings when you make decisions that are beneficial for you. Most of those "hang on to" friends are the ones God is trying to loosen you from. Those so called friends are not going to go where God is taking you. So God makes it clear that when your heart is slowly leading towards Christ, he'll work magic with easily removing those who will keep you from him and place the right people in your life at the right time. In your time of evaluating yourself, evaluate your friends.
Are your friends encouraging you to make the right decision in choosing Christ? Are they supportive of you? Do they hold you accountable? If not, do not be discouraged. God knows who you need by your side. For now, learn how to depend on Christ. He'll take many people away because he wants you to start relying on him and trusting that he knows what he is doing in your season of indecisiveness. So the next time you hear those "You're acting funny" speeches? Go before the Lord and ask him to give you wisdom and discernment on that person because that person just might not be the one to remain in your circle. Your circle will manifest after you have allowed God to fulfill that position. God wants to be in your circle to help build it with the right people. He wants to be your main squeeze. He wants all of your attention. So are you willing to give it him? Don't let your friends make the decision for you. Whatever God is saying to you, he said it TO YOU for a reason. Listen. Trust. Make the right decision. So if "you're acting funny" because you do not hang out the way you use to? Say honey, I got somewhere to go and as God leads me, I am getting ready for all that he has for me. Either you're here to support or not, God knows what best for me.
Your indecisiveness does not drive God crazy. He loves you too much to walk away from you. He sees you peeking around the corner, he knows that you are about to do it because you even start. Understand that God knows the beginning stages of fully submitting to him will be tough to bear, but that is why God has sent the advocate to be with you during this time because you will need the strength. You will need him to be there with you, and God says he will never leave nor forsake you. So do not feel like you're alone in this process. God knows when you're fully ready to give your life over to him. Just let him remove such indecisive feelings in your heart to make the right decision that will be best for you. God is ready to use you like never before but if you wrestle back and forth about giving him your sin nature, badly influences to keep you away, your own condemnation towards yourself, how would you ever know that God has such a divine plan for you? You have to silent those voices, put to death your sinful nature, and really be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
Don't take this time lightly, but approach it by faith. Say God," I know I keep going back and forth with you about living for you, but I know that you're patience, and right now, I Thank You for never turning your back on me." God always sees you as his precious son/daughter. He is not quick to leave you base on your indecisive, he just simply says, Son/Daughter, when you're ready. Come to me.
God is not going to force you to do anything that your heart never intended to do. He gave us free will, but why not give your life to him. He is all-knowing. He is faithful. He is worthy for all that he has done for us. It'll be the greatest decision of your life.
So if you're struggling with fully walking this thing out, I want to encourage you to make the right decision in choosing to fully pursue him. God does not want any more division between you and him.
"Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world." James 4:8
No more loyalty towards this world, for this world will never give you what God can. It will never fulfill you. God is the completion to your heart. No longer prolong your decision. Christ loves you.
Father God, I come to you now to pray for those who are struggling to connect with you wholeheartedly. I ask that you remove any distractions and help them to make a clear decision that is pleasing to your heart. I pray that you cleanse them from their sin nature and purify their hearts so that they can be made whole in your image as they go forth for living for your son, Jesus. I rebuke any demonic spirit/activity that keeps them led astray from your glory. You have called them your own and you love them deeply. Let them experience your unfailing love so that their indecisive mindset can be set free by your love, grace, and mercy.
In Jesus Name' Amen.
Love, Desjane.