Saturday, October 21, 2017

Knowing HIM for you.

"For myself, I want to know you." 

Is it difficult finding him for you? On the regular, you listen to people express their love for/the goodness of God, and as they go on, you're shocked to hear their testimonies and inspired by their transparency, but yet, fail to fully understand who God is for yourself. If we are honest, we struggle to believe his promises and the good he has done in our lives. Why must that be? For yourself, jot down these reminders.

1. For yourself, learn how much God loves you. 

I get it, understanding God's unconditional love takes time even when it is as simple as he made it to be, (hint: Jesus Christ). For (John 3:16)  says "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of how much God truly loves us. And even when there are many examples of God expressing his love for us, Jesus is the main one that interprets his love of how much we matter to him, for he was the one that paid our debts so that we could be made right with God to now have/build an intimate relationship with him. (2 Corinthians 5:21.) Words can't describe his love, he loved us way before we could ever love him. Let your heart sink into his love. 

2. For yourself, seek him. 

"Many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus because the woman had said, "He told me everything I ever did! When they came out to see him, they begged him to stay in their village. So he stayed for two days, long enough for many more to hear his message and believe. Then they said to the woman, "Now we believe, not just because of what you told us, but because we have heard him ourselves, now we know that he is indeed the Savior of the world." - John 4:39-42

Such a powerful scripture because it proves that knowing Christ for ourselves is important if we want to get through this thing called life. We may hear about him from others, but in our minds we don't really know who he is until we actually hear him speak to us the same way he spoke to that friend or that family member. Jesus loved to deliver the message that only God instructed him to do. That message is what convinces your heart to believe, to then want to share the same message you've been told. The Samaritan women were phenomenal examples to help us understand that without our own experience we're never fully convinced of how good he is. Get to know the man that is your savior. Let Jesus show you who he really is, for he'll convict but let conviction become your new best friend. God's convictions are great convictions. It's tough to bear but it helps you grow into the person that God has called you to be.  

3. The same God that is good to them, is good to you. 

Do you not believe that God is good to you too? If we are not careful, we'll mistakenly download the comparison game into our hearts and minds. "There is so much good happening in her life, why isn't it happening in mine?" Yes it is sweetheart, you're just too focus on someone else's life to see it. What God is doing for you, is for you. God works in ways where he reminds you of the things that he has brought you from and how you've overcame the hardships. Pay attention to those moments and Thank God because he has really been good. Believe that God can do wonders in your life and never ask him to duplicate another person's life for you, because it surely won't happen. He created you to be different, as I'm sure he did the same for the other person. You must know in your heart that God is writing your story and will fulfill all of his promises for your life. For yourself, know that he is good. For he is perfect in all of his ways. 

For God desires your heart, he sees that you peek around the corner and you'll continue as if he does not see you. You can never hide from a omnipresent God. God understands the position of your heart and your desire for change/understanding of his grace and love. Take that opportunity, God is ready when you are. Know that God is not a God of making everyone the same. He is all about unity, but never creating a person with the exact same DNA, for he created us all uniquely different. We all find out about him in our own way beautifully.  Find what makes you special in him and hold on tight to it. You are special in the eyes of God and God wants you to understand him for you. You've heard enough testimonies that send your heart running to the Father for him to then write yours. With finding him for you, this is a testimony within itself to share. Go in peace, for you now will seek and believe that Jesus in indeed the savior of the world. 

Friday, September 1, 2017

God is just that in love with you. (even in your tough seasons)

It's simple. God is just that in love with you. What you go through doesn't limit his love for you, perhaps it defines why he is in love. What do I mean? I mean that whatever is happening in your life; know that God is allowing it to happen to 1. discipline you because he LOVES you. | "For the Lord disciplines those who he loves, and he punishes each one that he accepts as his child." Hebrews 12:6  and 2. because he simply has to get out what he has put inside of you.

What is happening is not a surprise to him right now, and to be honest, he is actually quite amused by the wilderness he has caused because he sees beyond your thoughts and actions right now, he sees how you're really going to be bold and confident in him. Isn't that wonderful? To have a God that sees beyond what you're viewing of yourself. He knows you from the beginning to the end because he's your creator. He knows how he wanted to use you and every single thing he has placed inside of you and HOW he will reveal it to you. I don't know about you but that is so exciting and amazing for a God to really see beyond my sin nature to desiring to share with me my full identity in Christ. Some are experiencing it, and some maybe right now don't see what he is seeing because condemnation took its course, but we rebuke in the name of Jesus any condemnation that you have amongst yourselves. Know that God is not sitting there laughing at you while you're going through it, he simply just wants you to relax and let him finish what he started, he caused these test and trials so that you can learn how to rely on him. And because he loves you, he wants you to seek his face first before ever thinking about seeking man and responding base on your feelings.

His unfailing love runs deeps and so does HE inside of you. Because GREATER is HE that is within you. He just wants to activate what he has given you so the operating table is necessary for your good. Surgery is about to get real. So, this new post is for those who aren't comprehending God's unconditionally love for them personally during tough seasons.

Our millions of rants as to why God this? Why God that? Has taken up the time of appreciating why God is actually allowing it. If we're not careful, we will miss what God is teaching throughout those tests and trials. God is always about teaching his children so that we grow from whatever he is pruning out of us. How can we be who God has called us to be if we're running from those uncomfortable situations?

Trust me, I can testify. Being a member of Tennessee State University's Aristocrat of Bands has become more and more uncomfortable, even after being in the band for all 4 years of my college career. It has only been uncomfortable because I just did not fit in to the hype of what everyone else was hip to. I felt alone and did not feel like I had anybody to really relate to, but God is faithful, he gave me a few friends and even ones that aren't necessarily in the band but band managers to talk and relate to. I am extremely grateful. But even with having them, I still wanted out. I wanted to go back to that place of peace because I swore up and down that no matter how I try and prayed I just convinced myself that I could not find peace with this band. But you know what, God gave me such a strong revelation. He told me, "Because I love you, you will remain in this band." I looked puzzled. I said, "Well God, if you loved me, you will understand how I feel and will get me out of this band so that I can recollect my peace somewhere else because this isn't it anymore." and he kept repeating to me that because he loved me, I have to stay there. I was of course angry, confused, and bothered by the response but God always has a divine purpose and plan with everything he says. He gave me the revelation that being in this band again is not about me but for someone else, there is someone that I needed to impact, and he told me that it may be more than one and to just know that I am going to use you for my glory but you must be uncomfortable, you must be in tuned with me, and know that I LOVE YOU through this tough season that I have you in.

I guarantee that he is saying this to you too..."Because I love you, you will remain (fill in the blank)" regardless if it is making you unhappy. For God's glory can be revealed through you if you let him do it in the midst of your unhappiness. Trust me, God knows what doesn't give you peace, but does your feelings matter over God's plan? His purpose needs to be fulfilled through you and if he has called you at such a time as this, he is waiting for you to act upon what he is telling you to do. But our emotions are speaking louder than him. We miss that small whisper of "I love you, just trust me." because we are too busy complaining to him. Be encouraged to know that those unhappy moments are for divine purposes that we can only understand if he seek the Lord for understanding. And in that understanding, he'll lead you into what you have to do and it will eventually find its way to that peace that you've been praying for. Somebody is waiting on the other side of your obedience. Let us rest assured that God will come to terms with telling you his purpose for this tough season right now.

And let me tell you sister or brother, I am STILL currently in this season as we speak. Which means, you're probably still in yours. But know this much, God's loves for you tops everything that you're going through, just keep pushing. You're almost at the finished line. You may not know why God does what he does, but all God wants you to do is trust him even when he gives you the revelation of why you're in that predicament.

God is just that in love with you because he BELIEVES in you. He thought you were worth dying for so he sent his only begotten son on the cross to die for your sins. | John 3:16 |
God is just that in love with you that he had those great plans for you pre-planned before Christ died and that is why he sent his son to die for you because he could not WAIT to share with you all that he had to offer to you.
God is just that in love with you that he will do everything he can to get your attention in wanting that intimate relationship with you.

So why do you think God doesn't love you still during those tough seasons? Why do you think he has left you? What has the enemy twisted your mind with? Be encouraged to know that God still has a plan no matter what, he still is deeply in love with us even when our decisions are sometimes fleshly, he still is willing to forgive us even when we think otherwise, he still is willing to send his grace and mercy even when we feel unworthy. Don't you ever think that God does not care about where you are right now, he simply placed you there so that you can seek him more because he just desperately wants to talk to you because HE is just that in love with you. You matter to him, so honey, this season shall pass, but don't let this season pass without taking the lessons from it. God, of course, would not want his children to miss what is important for you to know. So cheers to tough seasons and knowing that God still loves you unconditionally within it. Cheers to the tears, isolations, and pruning because it is all worth it. God is worth it. HIS LOVE IS BEYOND WORTH IT.

God is just that in love with you that he used me to remind you. His love is equally within us.
I am no different from you, just a vessel who is learning too!

I love you, always!
Love, Desjane McDonald

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Future Spouse: Spiritual State

Let's face it, we pray from his/her physical standpoint more than we do spiritual. We earthly envision how our spouse should look like. Don't get me wrong, it's fine to have preferences, but as you spend time praying for that future spouse, God opens your mind to what's more wise to pray for. We can say all day, "God, I want me a man that is 6.0', dark-skin, pretty smile...etc." And totally miss the spiritual warfare that he/she may be going through. God cares more for your heart and the heart of your future spouse.

It is important that we keep in mind of our future spouse's spiritual state because the enemy is out to kill, steal, and destroy. The thought of godly marriages makes him sick, and if you are not covering your future spouse, the enemy will have free-play in your marriage. Let's keep an open mind and heart to the next few pointers I want to help you all start praying for in a spiritual perspective for your future spouse.

1. The Heart

God is the heart beat between the two of you. When the heart is not aligned to his, he takes his time with the individual, to prune and now to prepare, that is why most godly marriages are healthy and happy because they keep their personal relationship with God first and as the center of their marriage. In your praying time, cover his heart in God's hands. Make sure that his heart is not easily led astray and to stand firm as God fights his battles. Temptation may be trying to cloud him/her right now, so pray he'll endure the testing and temptation and to consider it all joy. | James 1:2 | and to know that God will not let your future spouse be tempted beyond what he/she can bear. |1 Corinthians 10:13 | Pray to keep his heart's motives godly and always got his eyes on Christ for direction. While God is working on your heart, have faith he is definitely working on your spouse's.

2. The Mind.

Our minds are so powerful, so we must be careful of what we set our minds to. So, in your praying time, guard your spouse's mind from the enemy's thoughts. God wants the mind just as much as he wants the heart. When we set our minds on things that are heavenly instead of earthly, | Colossians 3:2 | you'll be amazed by what he shows you within his kingdom and what he has for the both of you. Your spouse is able to be all that God has called them to be. The enemy loves to nitpick with your mind during your walk with Christ, so pray that your spouse is filling their mind with things of Christ and not of this world. And hey, during that time of renewing the mind, the prayers about you may be happening, lol. So be consistent in prayer, and rebuke that mind game the enemy likes to play against God's children.

3. The Focus.

Focusing on God is the main discipline that matters. In your praying time, pray for your spouse's focus to remain on their relationship with Christ instead of focusing so much on your future earthly marriage. Yes, your earthly marriage will be a life-changing moment but never the ultimate fulfillment. Jesus Christ is the one who completes you. And your marriage to Christ is the first to be faithful to. Pray for the both of you not to worry about how God is going to bring you two together. Let him finish his master-minded love story. Sit still. Be encouraged. Know that he has heard your prayers and is working. God just wants you and your spouse to be careful not to make marriage become an idol. Pray about it with faith and power, move forward, and keep being about your Father's business.

4. God's Plan.

Oh my! God's amazing plan. In your praying time, pray for the will of your Father within the marriage. Get excited about what God is going to do with the two of you than marriage itself. I can testify to this and say that my heart has smiled by the many prayers of God's will being done within my future marriage. On my heart, I kept feeling and hearing "ministry", so I would begin to cover our ministry in prayer, believing God's vision. Even in the midst of not knowing, I just knew it was going to be for his glory no matter what. So keep on praying for God to use the two of you as such amazing contributors for his kingdom. Let your heart and your future spouses be wrapped up in learning God's will and plan for not only for the two of you, but for yourself in your personal relationship. God is so creative with bring the two together to share the gifts he has given. Let's chase God's plan.

You see, when you pray for God's spiritual blessings on behalf of your future spouse, it gets exciting,
because God is so faithful and when you mind and heart is set on what he wants, you shall receive, trusting that in his timing, he will provide the right person for you. No matter what, keep on covering your spouse. God has BIG things in store for the both of you. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Discerning Friendships

 As followers of Christ, God teaches us how to be sensitive to who we surround ourselves with. The importance of discerning every single person that walks into our lives and trusting that he will make it plain about what role that person will play is relevant in such a time as this. Believe it or not, God does not always reveal what that person was meant for in that season, in his timing, of course he will. But as you continue to grow, you'll start to see what God has been wanting you to learn and watch out for. There are some people we have been calling close, that God says you're far from being. God knows who is for you, and who really doesn't have your best interest at heart. One of the hardest decisions to make is removing those whom God has instructed you to, especially if they're the closest to you. Or so you say. Who you least expect is who God is tugging on your heart to pay attention to, it may hurt you, you probably won't understand, but trust that God will remove, renew, and restore. He knows the timing of when he will place the right people in your life. Let's start discerning.

There are some important things you should know.

1. As you continue to grow in Christ, there are some people that just won't be in acceptance to it, believe it or not. It's sad, but extremely accurate. but we must remind ourselves that the world hated Jesus Christ, and as we keep being bold for him the world will eventually hate us too because it hated him first. | John 15:18 | Some friends will keep a distance from you unexpectedly, you may question out of curiosity, but don't let it become such a burden on you. Don't drive yourself crazy with those "what am I doing?" thoughts, its not you, it's God doing what is best for you. So if people randomly disappear in your life, don't instantly think you're the one to blame. 

Honey, it's Christ living within you. Be grateful for who God is protecting you from. Those friends who you use to have so much fun with has died on you ever since Christ step into your life. That is why it starts to feel awkward, conversations are brief, and the moment seems dry because there simply isn't much to talk about when your mind is open to the heart of Christ, and the others are still having big fun in the world. He's changed you and sometimes it is hard for the individual to come to terms with the "new" you. They miss the worldly you, and living for God just isn't cutting it for them. Don't be hurt, rejoice. God wants you to learn how to discern whether it is a true friendship or not, he knows the answer, he's just teaching you to know the difference. He won't fool you and definitely is not going to let you fool yourself. 

Some friends won't understand your decision to live for Christ, but don't let them dictate how you should live because they are not your savior. We must stop living to please our friends, our only goal is to please Christ. You don't need people's approval to do the will of your Father. | Galatians 1:10 | 

2. Close friends are only tricky to discern when you're not in tuned with the spirit, especially if you do not know if the friendship was God ordained or fleshly. For one, since they are your close friend, you hold truth into knowing that that person is not going anywhere no time soon regardless if they are living for the world, you enjoyed living for the world with them. Notice I said "enjoyed", now that you're in full effect in your walk with Christ. How "close" are you not being? 

Where am I going with this? Okay, listen. Most times, when we've grown up, that friend notices how "different" you appear to be, they can take it as a negative or positive, depending on how they're thinking. They may determine how close you guys really are by setting up worldly events to see how "real" you'll be in engaging again, and totally ignore your new life in Christ. If you deny, then something is odd about you and the friendship now becomes questionable. This is a pure example of :

1 Peter 4:4 "Of course your former friends are surprised when you no longer plunge into the flood of wild and destructive things they do, so they slander you."

When you no longer do what the flesh wants, stand firm against those who slander you. The Holy Spirit alarms you in times of what you should be paying attention to in regards to those friends who you think are close. Close friends should never pressure you into doing something you just aren't into doing anymore.

3. If that person is your close friend, then no close friend should ever feel intimidated, but inspired by your growth unless they're convicted about what isn't growing on their part and are vulnerable towards needing the help. Close friends work through it together, rather if one already has a solid foundation in Christ and the other is still seeking, as close friends, the one that has the solid foundation becomes selfless enough to help the other build their firm foundation in Christ. Hold each other accountable in love. No matter how hard it may be, you still congratulate, honor, love, pray, and embrace your close friend. You guys are both happy to have each other and be each other's motivation in helping one another grow. That friend should respect your path in life and be supportive of all your decisions as Christ leads you instead of assuming you're funny for no longer living for the world.

 If you have a so called close friend who treats you the opposite from what the spirit desires in a godly friendship, get quiet before the Lord, ask him to reveal the truth into some friendships. And keep an open mind that even with those unhealthy friendships, don't think of them as bad, learn from them, appreciate them, because God is always teaching. He gives us more insight of why that person was placed in our lives at that time that they were. So don't take those unhealthy friendships as a waste, they were to teach you to start discerning about every friendship that you have. 

It is important for you to pray and ask God to give you the discernment of the people in your life. 
We seek to have more godly friendships, and sometimes get discourage in the right now environment. Stay encouraged. He is so faithful. Keep on serving him. And he'll send the right people at the right time. Don't you worry about why certain people aren't as interactive anymore, just be grateful that God has distance you from who would've been such a distraction in your spiritual walk. 

You're his child and because he loves you so much, he wants to teach you, prune you, and grow you into who he has call you to be, and you need that support system to keep you going, to encourage you on your weary days. To pray for you when it is hard to utter a word. To love you unconditionally because you're their close friend, a friend ordained by the amazing God who knows who is best for your life. Pray about the friendships in your life and ask God to give you the truth. If it hurts, that is good. God cuts those branches that doesn't produce fruit. | John 15:2 | God cuts those people who aren't beneficial to that producing fruit. 

If you currently have an amazing godly friendship, cover them. The enemy is always looking for relationships/friendships to destroy. Don't let him get a piece of what God put together. Keep on loving each other as sisters/brothers. You make the Lord smile with how much love you have for one another. Being faithful to that one godly friend increase more of them in your life. Keep trusting God.

Go in peace and oh also, don't forget to discern. I love you. 
Love, Desjane. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The "No" That Saved You

"No" The word that is displeasing, everyone doesn't want to hear, can't accept, and won't accept for an answer;  especially when it is only benefiting them base on their situation. How you interpret the "No" is your perception, but what is your thinking process when it comes to that "No"? Do you throw a temper tantrum? Do you disobey the "No" and go do what you want to do? How do you handle the word "No"?  We like to think that when we ask, the only two answers are "Yes" and "Maybe" But even "Maybe's" could still lead to a "No". Why must we think that a "No" is meant to be negative? Depending on the thinking process in regards to that "No", it could be. But not all "No's" are out to make you feel like you do not deserve whatever it is that you want.

 Most of the times, what we want is just not right for us to have. A "No" can have so many different meanings. That "No" could be for your protection, and most of the times when it is coming from your  parents, their hearts are leading towards that "No" because you're their child and they are protecting you. They know what's best for you, they see right through you more than you can see as a child who is naive. Even as an adult, if we're honest, your parents still KNOW YOU better than you but of course, gives you that space to find YOU, to learn how to take responsibility for yourself. But no matter how old we get, our parents will always want us to make wise decisions in our lives, so if you happen to speak with your parents about something that is important to you, you ask that question, and you hear the answer is leading to a "No", don't be so quick to be disappointed as to why they gave you that answer and immediately start to think that they don't support you.


A year ago, God spoke to me on a hot summer day randomly and said, "I want you to write a book." When I heard him, I did not know how to feel, thoughts of "how was this possible?" rushed through my mind but all I kept hearing was God saying "Write that book, don't worry about the rest. I am taken care of it." I trusted him and by faith I started to write the book, I got excited each time I wrote a chapter even still having those thoughts of "Wow! I can't believe I'm writing this, I never thought I would be writing a book." But I eventually came to terms with it and just knew that it was God's will to do so. Months later, during Christmas time, Heather Lindsey had announced that her and her husband Cornelius were finally launching their new Christian Book Publishing Company called "Lincross Publishing" and that applications will be available that following week. I got SUPER excited, I could not even control myself. I thought," Yes! This is good. I am writing a book, a christian book at that, and they have come out with publishing company! Oh yes! I am going to fill out an application." So I did, I filled out an application, prayed, and got accepted. I was overwhelmed with how excited I was and was in complete disbelief, I thanked the Lord heavenly! During my excitement, Heather had made a post about subscribing to the Lincross Publishing Youtube Channel, and that in order to be involved with the company, you had to be subscribed. The subscription was $10/month. I was a little worried because I knew money was pretty funny. But by faith, I just went ahead and subscribed. (Thank God for free trials, haha)

Later that day, I told my Mother and asked her what she thought. She immediately gave me that look that I knew wasn't going to be a good answer, all of her responses were straight "No's" and kept telling me to find another solution for your book. She was totally against it all. I was hurt, confused, and immediately started to think that she just did not support me in my God-given dream. As days went by, I was still hearing that same "No", this time I was pretty convinced. I later spoken to a brother in Christ and I told him the story and how I felt, he then said, "Question: Do you believe that this company is the one God put for you to use?." My heart instantly got convicted. I could not even give him a straight answer. Had I been so caught up in my own desire of wanting to be apart instead of paying attention to what God was trying to say? Did I take my desire and made it as if it was God's desire for me? After that conversation, I sat in silence, mind was racing, I had mixed emotions, I started to pray for wisdom and understanding. I wanted to know why was I not at peace with this and suddenly God reminded me of the consistent "No's" I kept hearing my  Mother say to me. It clicked. It was like the light-bulb had finally came on. Now I get why my Mother continued to say "No" to me. God was using her to warn me that it was not in his will for me to join that publishing company. His answer was "No" but he allowed me to get accepted to teach me how to understand the concept of why "No's" are not always how you make it to be. After that revelation, I declined Lincross Publishing and was at peace with the decision.

I am saying all this to say, when a "No" is given, don't let your flesh overpower your spirit. Pray for wisdom and understanding. That "No" was very important. It was the answer that kept me safe inside of God's will. If I had not listened and kept going with what I felt, I would have step into my own will. So what will you do the next time you hear a "No" in your life? 

Let me inspire you with the greatest "No" of all time.

"He went on a little further and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, "My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine." Matthew 26:39

Do you know that Jesus prayed not to be persecuted? He did not want to die. But notice at the end of the scripture he says "Yet I want your will to be done, not mine." What was God's will?  God's will was for his son to die on the cross for our sins. So when Jesus prayed to him to not be sacrificed; What was his Father's answer? "NO" Do you realize that if God had told him "Yes", our sins would not have been forgiven? Do you know it would have been impossible for us to reconnect/have a relationship with the Father because the only way you can get to the Father is through Jesus Christ as states in John 14:6. Jesus says that "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. That "No"  saved your soul. 

Daily, wrapped your mind around that prayer because God could have told him "Yes", God loves you so much enough to even tell his only begotten son "No" A "No" that was beneficial for you. That
"No" that keeps you breathing, keeps waking you up everyday, and lives within you. 
So the next time you're in prayer, be mindful of your desire verse God's. We pray for what we want, instead of asking God what he wants.

Be thankful for that "No" for that job, for he has something greater for you. Be thankful for that "No" to that man or woman that you wanted to be with so badly, for he knew that that person was no good for you, he knows who has designed for you to be with. Be patient. Spent your singleness in the presence of God, let him build you up into the person he has called you to be. Be thankful for that "No" to that party you wanted to go to. To later find out that violence had occurred. God was only  protecting you sweetheart. Be thankful for every. single. "NO" 

Never take "No's" for granted. Especially God's "No's". You witnessed how far the "No" he gave Jesus got us in life. So be wise enough to know that God cares for you, he has not forgotten about you. I get it, you want it all. You want that "Yes" every time you ask a question. But understand that God does not always  operate on a "Yes", he has plenty of "No's", but that is only because he loves you. You're his child and he doesn't want anything to happen to you. He doesn't want you to jump outside of his will. He wants to show you his power. Deny yourself. Your feelings. And be prepare for the "No's" that will change your life. God bless you brothers and sisters. I love you & God loves you so darn much. 

Love, Desjane. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


"Don't be afraid for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." Isaiah 41:10. 

It does not matter where you go in the world, God will always be with you. In your moments when you feel alone and can't seem to find anyone, God still remains by your side even when you do not acknowledge that he is there with you. God is the God that never leaves his children but we seem to believe that during our darkest moments, God has forgotten about us. Let shift our thoughts. This is not true. Our God is genuine, loving, caring, and never fails to meet you where you are in your life.
Even when the sin is deeply rooted, he is still there, only to remind you of his son that has died for your sins, he is there to help you no longer feel convicted of something that has been taking care of. Our God is forever omnipresent.  

What does omnipresent mean?

Omnipresent means "(of God) present everywhere at the same time." God walks with you daily. At work, school, hospital, concert, etc. He is like this overprotective father that follows your every move without you knowing. But his protection is the greatest of them all. He takes care of you even when you did not ask him to. On days when we forget to acknowledge God presence, God still remain in position to take care of his children. He holds your hand during the happiest moments of your life and during the times of hurt, confusion, and misunderstanding. As Pastor Daniel Miree said during a Monday Night Conference Call.."God really wants to show you how much he cares and loves you. He wants to show you how much he is in control." So during your difficult times, let God fill your heart up with Joy, Compassion, and Love. He wants you to fill his protection. He wants you to know that no matter what you do, he will always be with you. No matter what happens to you, he is going through it with you. If you belong to him, God won't stop being the Father. Daily he seeks for more of you.

Sometimes we overthink and miss God's protection because we focus so much on our circumstances instead of Jesus. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, we will realize that God has been living inside of us the whole time. So why try to fill that void with other people and things to make you feel good. Those things are only temporary, not everlasting. Our God is everlasting. He takes his time out everyday to watch over you because he just loves you so darn much. So today, take a breather. If today seems to be going down hill, climb back up for God is holding out his hand for you to grab. Take a minute to close your eyes, call on the name of Jesus, and embrace God's presence. Allow him to implant his protection into your heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit. It is important to him that you understand his unconditional love that he has for you. As you daily learn and grow into his love, remember that you never walk alone even when you physically do. God be with you.

Love, Desjane. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Do I really want God the way I say I do?

How many of you are indecisive about living for God? What is getting in the way of you fully pursuing Christ? Is part of your heart wanting to live for the world and has cause you to become indecisive about Christ?  

You see the light but have yet to walk further into it. It is like you peek around the corner at God wanting to say something, but eventually tiptoe away only to say "I'll catch him some other time." but that "I'll catch him some other time" becomes a habit. Why must we live our lives enjoying the concept of going to church, hearing the word and loving what we hear, but afterwards you leave the same way that you came. We have this appeal to hear about Christ but struggle to actually know him for ourselves. How much time are we wasting in our existence? We are not here to just exist, we are here to fulfill the purpose in contributing to the Kingdom. I'm very sure you are not alone in this matter.  Here are some pointers of what may be the cause of your indecisive relationship with Christ. 

1. Sin Nature.

 "And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can't. I want to do what is good, but I don't. I don't want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. But if I do what I don't want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong. it is sin living in me that does it."  Romans 7:18-20 

Let's face it, we are addicted to satisfying what our flesh desires. Our Sin Nature is the root to our indecisiveness.  We want to be in tune with God but we also do not want to miss out on the reality of the World. Why is that? As humans, we enjoy what we know God does not desire for us to have, so we take what we think is best and present it to God to bless. We put God in this box of ours and expect him to move on our timing when what we are asking for is only to contribute to our sin nature. How must we put to dead our sin nature? Are you willing to place your fleshly desires at the feet of the Father? If God is tuggin' on your heart, your sin nature will continue to provoke you into drawing closer to it. The enemy is aware of your attempt to change. So his parties in your mind, heart, and spirit will continue because he is trying to keep you away from God. So really self-evaluate some things in your life. Ask God to make it plain to you what is keeping you from fully pursuing him.

Ask him to reveal the sin that is so deeply rooted inside. Really be honest with yourself during this process because the more you cut corners the more you'll keep on restricting yourself from God's love to be free from your sins. Repenting of your sins is very important in your walk with Christ. For you're his reflection in the kingdom and if your heart is still filled with your sin nature then how can God operate through you? You are indecisive about giving up certain parts of your life because it makes you feel good. It is the sin within you that is causing you to be confused about going forth in Christ. You are still bound to the ways of the world. Jesus Christ is the way to deliverance. So if you're still struggling with your sin nature know that God is only one call away to cut those branches and create a clean heart within you to now help with your decision.

2. Badly Influenced by Peers. 

"Don't be fooled by those who say such things, for "bad company corrupts good character." 1 Corinthians 15:33 

Is who you're hanging around influencing you to remain stagnant in your decision making about Christ? We've all had some friends in our life that were not a good influence spiritually. Those people have become a hindrance in your walk.  They distract you from your time spent with Christ because you have filled your mind up with those "You're acting funny" speeches. You care about your friends because pleasing them remains on your agenda. You do not want to lose them so you do everything you can to satisfy them to avoid those "You're acting funny" speeches. What are those speeches? Why must those speeches bother you? If they truly were your friend, they would respect your decision to live for Christ. This is God's way of saying pay attention to your surroundings when you make decisions that are beneficial for you. Most of those "hang on to" friends are the ones God is trying to loosen you from. Those so called friends are not going to go where God is taking you. So God makes it clear that when your heart is slowly leading towards Christ, he'll work magic with easily removing those who will keep you from him and place the right people in your life at the right time. In your time of evaluating yourself, evaluate your friends. 

Are your friends encouraging you to make the right decision in choosing Christ? Are they supportive of you? Do they hold you accountable? If not, do not be discouraged. God knows who you need by your side. For now, learn how to depend on Christ. He'll take many people away because he wants you to start relying on him and trusting that he knows what he is doing in your season of indecisiveness. So the next time you hear those "You're acting funny" speeches? Go before the Lord and ask him to give you wisdom and discernment on that person because that person just might not be the one to remain in your circle. Your circle will manifest after you have allowed God to fulfill that position. God wants to be in your circle to help build it with the right people. He wants to be your main squeeze. He wants all of your attention. So are you willing to give it him? Don't let your friends make the decision for you. Whatever God is saying to you, he said it TO YOU for a reason. Listen. Trust. Make the right decision. So if "you're acting funny" because you do not hang out the way you use to? Say honey, I got somewhere to go and as God leads me, I am getting ready for all that he has for me. Either you're here to support or not, God knows what best for me.  

Your indecisiveness does not drive God crazy. He loves you too much to walk away from you. He sees you peeking around the corner, he knows that you are about to do it because you even start. Understand that God knows the beginning stages of fully submitting to him will be tough to bear, but that is why God has sent the advocate to be with you during this time because you will need the strength. You will need him to be there with you, and God says he will never leave nor forsake you. So do not feel like you're alone in this process. God knows when you're fully ready to give your life over to him. Just let him remove such indecisive feelings in your heart to make the right decision that will be best for you. God is ready to use you like never before but if you wrestle back and forth about giving him your sin nature, badly influences to keep you away, your own condemnation towards yourself, how would you ever know that God has such a divine plan for you? You have to silent those voices, put to death your sinful nature, and really be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. 

Don't take this time lightly, but approach it by faith. Say God," I know I keep going back and forth with you about living for you, but I know that you're patience, and right now, I Thank You for never turning your back on me." God always sees you as his precious son/daughter. He is not quick to leave you base on your indecisive, he just simply says, Son/Daughter, when you're ready. Come to me. 
God is not going to force you to do anything that your heart never intended to do. He gave us free will, but why not give your life to him. He is all-knowing. He is faithful. He is worthy for all that he has done for us. It'll be the greatest decision of your life. 

So if you're struggling with fully walking this thing out, I want to encourage you to make the right decision in choosing to fully pursue him. God does not want any more division between you and him.

"Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world." James 4:8  

No more loyalty towards this world, for this world will never give you what God can. It will never fulfill you. God is the completion to your heart. No longer prolong your decision. Christ loves you.


Father God, I come to you now to pray for those who are struggling to connect with you wholeheartedly. I ask that you remove any distractions and help them to make a clear decision that is pleasing to your heart. I pray that you cleanse them from their sin nature and purify their hearts so that they can be made whole in your image as they go forth for living for your son, Jesus. I rebuke any demonic spirit/activity that keeps them led astray from your glory. You have called them your own and you love them deeply. Let them experience your unfailing love so that their indecisive mindset can be set free by your love, grace, and mercy.

In Jesus Name' Amen.

Love, Desjane.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

When God?

When am I going to get married? When is it going to be turn for a promotion? When am I going to know the next move you have for me Lord? When am I going to know if I got this Job? When am I going to do this? When am I going to do that? When! When! When! I get it. You want to know what God has planned for your life, you want the full picture before God even has a chance to reveal it to you. Trust me, I was in the same boat and most times find myself dipping in and out. If I am honest enough, I must say that honey, we're all human. We sometimes overthink about the "WHENS", "WHYS", and "HOWS" and become frustrated because we talk to God about our desires and do not realize how caught up we've become in our own view of seeing how he will give it to us. God's way of how it will be done is totally different from how you think it is going to come. We sometimes entertain our flesh into thinking that it is spiritual and want to put the blame on God, then become impatient and lose focus to pay attention to things that are not of God. Listen,

Here are some tips I want to bring to your attention during your "When" moments with God.

1. Be Complete Honest. 

Most times we forget that God is GOD. God is all-knowing. He understands your feelings, he knows your hearts desires, so why not be honest with him about your true feelings about the process. Do you think he is not aware of how you feel? Do you think he will be disappointed in you for not confessing? No honey, don't continue to have such ungodly thoughts clouding your head, the enemy wants you to believe such a thing. Tune him out, and know that God is patient and is always willing to have a heart to heart when you are ready. Pour your heart out to the Lord and I guarantee you that he will intercede and give you peace. Continue to trust in him during the confusion because sometimes you have to celebrate what you don't know, keep moving forward, and trust that God is going to take care of you. He always does. He will never fail you. Ever.

2. What you "SEE"causes you not to "BELIEVE"

Testimony: During my time spent with God,  I would just get excited and be filled with joy to know that he had such a divine plan and I can feel him sharing little sneak peaks of my future. It motivated me, and I started to believe it in my heart. I remember this specific moment of believing God for something and whenever I was approached by it, I would get disappointed because of what I "saw". I thought I would see what my mind envisioned but I always turned out to be wrong. But I would hide those feelings as if God was not God (as it goes back to #1) and continue to lie to myself to only make the anger continue to build within.
Brothers and Sisters, let me encourage you to never turn back on what you believe God is going to do in your life base on what you are seeing in the right now. When you depend on what you see, most times you will get discouraged and frustrated because you thought what was shown to you was going to be your actual reality the very next day! Not quite yet sweetheart, know that God's timing is perfect and that he does not operate on our own timing. God just wants you to not lean on your own understanding and just trust him with all of your heart to fulfill those desires. 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5 NLT

3. Patience is a Virtue. 

I know you're tired, trust me, I was. We all have our weary moments. But I promise you, if you case your cares and worries onto the Lord, he will take care of you. | 1 Peter 5:7 | He knows everything about you and has already planned out his will for your life, he just wants you to follow and be obedient to what he has asked of you. Not ask him 15 million questions within an hour, because it lets him know that you are doubting his promises and your faith is a little questionable but throw that mindset away and ask God for patience. We all need it in every aspect of our lives. Patience is great confirmation on to the Lord that we can be trusted. He knows that we are content with the season that we are in and not wasting it on complaining about where we want to go. God knows the right time and place when your season will change in Jesus Name. 

4. Embrace the Preparation.

Consider this process all joy, be happy that God has allowed such trials, tribulations, and hardships in your life because those are the moments God reveal a piece of  your true identity and growth in him. They are a part of his will, he loves such a humble soul enduring his hardships he allows. So be that Daughter/Son who will keep pressing forward no matter how the storm looks. You are covered by Jesus who loves you unconditionally. This is for your own good. Be satisfied in the pruning season and love what God is doing in you. 

5. Turn those "WHENS" into "TRUSTING"

"TRUST" God no matter what! Take those "WHENS" and place them at the feet of the Father. Those desires won't come faster complaining and dreading that God will do it sooner than you have asked of him. Remember, you're his child and he is the Father, no matter what you say, he will do it on his timing. So honey, trust him. Those two strong words can go so far if you really believe it in your heart. God has given you the authority to speak over Satan, so don't back down and let him win, speak over him, say "God has a divine plan for me and you Satan WILL not stop him. You will not get the best of my mind, heart, and soul. God is my Father, and he will take great care of me." You can no longer continue to beat yourself up for something that you know God has promised you, just not on YOUR TIMING. Not in how you imagined it would come, but only how God designs it. 

I love you ok? Don't you let those "WHENS" make you miss your blessings. God is working honey. He never stops. He is just so amazing. I promise. If you're in a "WHEN" season? I pray that you receive this word, meditate on it, and start trusting God more in your life. God bless you. 

Love, Desjane. 

Thursday, March 16, 2017


What must I do for me to be noticed?

In this life full of possibilities, we tend to get over anxious about when our time is coming. We like to watch the clock and hear it tick-tock until that "possibility" gets its chance with us. I know I have been in ruff stages in my life where I felt I was not good enough for the proper job, relationship, friendship, etc. It becomes more than what you actually want, once you start to feel overlooked for something that is special to you, you will start to think the same in regards to every aspect of your life. Your mind will become clustered with the thought of rejection. I want to be brief with you on a special message that God wants to share and your reasoning for feeling/being overlooked. 

1. You're Chosen. 

God has chosen you for a very special purpose that no one will be able to take away from you. The reason why you're so overlooked is because God see something far more special in you than what he has already done in the people that overlook you.The things that you hope for may not be what God has intended for you, he has BIGGER plans than what you had in mind. He throws at you his test and trials because he is preparing you for the destiny that you have yet to see. So when you're overlooked, don't think that God has forgotten about you. People will overlook you because of what God is forming. They may be intimidated by the potential in you, you are unaware of this, but most times people can tell from a mile away that you have a special gift. So God uses that to your advantage to move you forward into his will. What you see is far more in God's eyes. He is protecting you for those who you WANT to look to you for opportunity. Life is full of opportunities but only God can choose the right ones for you. Don't let your flesh override your self-esteem by bringing it low. 

2. You're Handpicked. 

God takes his precious time handpicking those who he finds trustworthy of him to do the job he requires. Regardless if your heart has not be confirmed of his calling on your life, in his timing, he will reveal to you his amazing plan. When God changes your thinking, he will explain to you why everything was not working out. He will ask you to check your heart because most times, we become envy and jealous of the attention and opportunities that others get, that our hearts will be deeply rooted in sin to get what we think we need to make ourselves feel better. And God does not want us to idol someone else's life or opportunity. When it comes to our feelings, we try to accommodate and do what we can to make sure we are seen/picked next time, but God does not want you to settle for the world's expectations, he only wants you to trust in him to be the writer of your life. God knows what is best for you, and what you "think" is best for you outside of God's will won't work, you will continue to be disappointed with the ending results. God is not using your overlooking as a sign of abandonment, he is using it to further your relationship with Christ to help build you into the woman/man he has called you to be so the next time those opportunities continue to fail, you will know that God is testing your faith and know that the Father does not overlook you no matter what continued to be a delay in your life. He loves you and has great plans for you. Don't continue to seek after those who God did not design to be apart of his will.  

Honey, you are more than what you think you are. You are eligible for anything that God places on your heart. You have the power to do all the great things God has in store for you, don't continue to beat yourself up due to lack of recognition. God, the greatest of all time, never overlooks you, in fact, he is so in love with you that he constantly finds more room to bless you nonstop. Follow Jesus and let him fill that void of abandonment and rejection in your heart. God sees you as more valuable, and he has divine plans for you. So continue to push through, don't give up, don't give in, don't be anyone other than who God has called you to be. You will get that job that you longed for, you will get that husband/wife that God has promised, you will be the spokesperson for your family, friends, and peers. YOU WILL. YOU WILL. YOU WILL!!!!!!
You have to learn how to declare over your life because then that gives access to Jesus that you ultimately trust him. Us over-lookers will become over-comers and achievers in Jesus Name' Amen. 

Love, Desjane 
I love you. 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Am I Eligible?

"I do not feel worthy of being used by God. I have failed him too many times." 

I know what you're thinking, I've been there plenty of times. In our thinking process, we like to believe the lie that Satan has been telling us. We think that God does not want anything to do with us so we continue to run from him and live the lie that keeps Satan's parties going in your life. Dealing with feeling unworthy has cause you to settle for the reality in your season right now. With the Freedom that God has declare over our lives on behalf of our Savior Jesus Christ. To God, he wants to make notice to us about no longer having to feel bound by sin and ashamed of his glory. But how is it that we do not declare it for ourselves? Do you believe because of the lack of understanding of God's decision to sacrifice his only son, we are blindsided to our full potential in Christ? Could that be your reasoning to thinking that you are not "eligible" to be used by God? Take your mind off of your circumstances and give yourself a minute to think beyond in a spiritual perspective. God loves you unconditionally and is always willing to use whosoever desires to. But what is stopping you from being use? Let's check some important points. 

  1. Repent.  

 You must repent of your sins in order to be fully used by God. "Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away.Then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah." | Acts 3:19-20 NLT | How diligent have you been in repenting of your sins? If you do not consistently, do not get discouraged, here's to a new beginning. It is okay to be honest because honesty is pleasing to God. He loves a sincere and sorrowing heart pleading for his forgiveness. "Sin" is the closed door to God's heart.  When we are clothed in sin, we are feeding the enemy his desires instead of what God wants. Wanting to be used by God requires repentance. You must check your heart before you "think" you are earnestly repenting to our Lord. God examines the heart and is fully aware of your dishonesty. In the mind, you may say that you are done being involved with ungodly activity, but in your heart, you are not completely agreeing with giving up that lifestyle. Be mindful of what you ask God for, if you want to be used, know that sin will NOT be attached in God's will for your life.

  2. Born Again. 

"Jesus replied,"I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. So don't be surprised when I say," You must be born again." | John 3:5-7 NLT | Being used by God requires being born again. After your genuine repentance, you have allowed God to enter in and cleanse your mind, body, and soul to being whole in his image. Remember when I said check your heart? Well.. yes, keep checking. All of God's word is pure truth that people try to twist, of course God wants all of us to be born again and he desires to use us, but are we ready to be used? Wanting God in your life verses keeping the lifestyle that satisfies your flesh is a set up for destruction. If you commit to God and steady commit to your lifestyle, the relationship with God will become lukewarm. Being Born Again is about the renewal of not half of you, but ALL of you. Keep checking your heart, do you really want God and to be used by him? Or are you considering this like a fashion trend that most people get into but are dipping in and out? 

Did you know that God is still able to use those who don't follow him? 
Including unbelievers, the amazement about our God is that we overlook what he actually does in our life. Always pay attention to the conversation that triggers you the most, God may be speaking to you. Always be alert to the circumstances around you, God may be trying to get your attention at that moment. Be encouraged to know that if God can use those who are not following him, then you are more than worthy of being used because you are a believer. 

God has been using you all the time honey, but you never recognized it because your heart was covered in sin. You were blindsided to the actual voice of God and continue to listen to the enemy speak over your life. Whisper this to yourself, "I am a Child of God. He can and will use me." 
Say it as a prayer and have faith in knowing that God has heard you and is ready to step in your life. 

Now let's get back to this word "Eligible" Are you? OF COURSE. You have always been in God's eyes. Always remember:

  •  Get out of your earthy thinking! This is NOT a Job Application.

 Job Applications are something you fill out, submit, and wait for weeks or even months for a response. But when you submit yourself to Jesus Christ, he answers INSTANTLY!! Everything that was required of you has been paid for on the cross. Jesus paid that debt honey! Just remain having that repentance heart and continue to take ownership of your wrong-doings. Know that Jesus is the submission to your application God never overlooks. 

  • Keep pressing towards Jesus. 
Jesus loves you so much that he constantly reminds you of how worthy you are of being used. In this life, you will have moments of feeling weary, tired, and discouraged but God will restore your faith and always give you reasons not to give up. The enemy will attack twice as harder because he sees that he can no longer throw parties in your mind anymore. But do not be alarmed, he has no power, you're a child of God who he protects and WILL use according to his glory! 

  • Embrace the process. 
Yes!! Consider everything that God takes you through all joy!! |James 1-2| God is only pruning you because he has so much in store for you. He is excited for what he can finally do in you, to give you that light that can shine so bright in other people's eyes. Let God give you his peace, love, and joy through the beginning stages because he knows how hard it is going to be. And lastly, make sure that you pay attention always to what God reveals to you because little to do you know honey......


I love you.
God bless you.
Love, Desjane 

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