There are 3 things I mentioned above that says what the spirit was known for. Let's go through those 3 ways to help you better understand and recognize that spirit to then proceed in fighting back this spirit.
1. Impatience.
When scrolling through Social Media, if you see stories of someone's blessings all down your timeline, bitterness will take root and later will be shot towards God. You'll get impatience with God because you feel like he is moving faster in somebody else's life than yours. You'll wonder where he has been all this time. It becomes a heart condition when impatience takes it opportunity to plant. Satan is ready to get you impatient with God, because he knows how valuable your purpose is. So, he will make you question God over and over again when it seems your time with him and obeidence to him lacks provision for what's next. But who said it lacked provision? Could it be delayed for the purposes of God's protection? Could it not be the right timing? When did God ever say that he will not complete what he started in you? What made you so impatient?
If I can be honest, I too, had a season of impatience. I was almost a year into growing in my relationship with Christ, and he had just revealed some amazing things that involved purpose to me, and I got so excited that I assumed that God was ready to launch everything right away. I felt that I knew what, when, where, and how to do it. Without being still to listen to the Holy Spirit say "slow down, my daughter. You're not quite ready yet." I eventually ran into a "What about me?" Spirit. I saw all my other singer/songwriter colleagues gigging, EP's being released, etc and I looked at where I was currently, and started to asked "Well, why isn't any doors opening for me? What about me? I thought you said that you had great plans for me." I feel the same way about ministry, I believed God called me to ministry and I felt like things weren't going the way I thought they would be. It wasn't until later, I realized that I was operating in the "I want everything right now" spirit too. I needed the wisdom to help me understand that when you're in the will of God, he works on his timing because he loves you. He knows that the timing you try to put on him will be detrimental to your purpose. See, if God was to grant every promise to us early, we would crash at the thought of trying to take care of everything at one time. We would've been prematurely operating in our purposes. God takes his precious time developing you for a reason, and when we can't seem to grasp that, we wonder where he is and what he is doing, when in reality, he's being a good father and preparing you. You just can't see nor believe it, because your heart has drifted away from God due to impatience.
So sis, if you're struggling with patience, I want to remind you that God is never slow with his promises. He knows exactly what he is doing and I know it may seem frustrating at times but I want to encourage you to stay the course with God. Watching other people's lives will only cause more damage to your spirit and lack of belief in God. God designed you to be you. Your purpose is yours. No one else can steal that from you, but as you know, the enemy is here to steal, kill, and destroy. So "impatience" is one of his tactics to use. Don't let him plant that bad seed inside of you; We bind impatience in the name of Jesus. Always remember,
"Blessed is she who believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her." - Luke 1:45
2. Lack of Focus.
When your purpose has so much value, name one of the enemy's most powerful tactics? "YOUR FOCUS." He tries steals the focus of God's people because he knows that when you're focus, you're the most powerful. You can defeat him. You can cast him and his little demons out. He will have no authority over your life nor purpose. So, the enemy throws millions of distractions your way. He creates roadblocks that may seem like you should just turn around and go back. Go back to the life you use to live. Go back to your old ways of living. Go back to those old bad habits. But who is he? How can we let him take our focus like this? Sure. We're human. We get distracted sometimes, but we have the power through Jesus Christ to resist that temptation. The "What about me?" spirit will reinforce your lack of focus. Always wondering "what about me?" will take your focus off of Christ and onto everything else around you.
Honey, God has been putting the emphasis on Social Media since I've started writing this blog. And the reason being is because we tend to lose focus the most by what we see on social media. If social media has become a place for you to gather all the information of someone else and feel bitter about it? Then honey, it's time for you to take a break. It's robbing you of your focus on God. You can't control what anyone puts on social media, but you can guard your heart. You can take that break until you're content with where God has you in this season AND are confident that God is working on your behalf even when you can't see the provision right now. Satan is crafty with how he wants to distract you.
It can be that man you're with that deep down in your heart you know isn't God's best for you, the latest trend, gossip about celebrities, etc. It can be anything that has your mind wrapped around it.
So, as you continue to grow in Christ and operate in what he has called you to do, know that the attacks of your focus will happen but also know that you have the authority to fight back. I too, had a hard time fighting back distractions. I felt that once i'm distracted, it's hard to get back focus. I'll be in it and next thing I know, my attention is somewhere else. Satan knows your weaknesses that involves your focus. If you read my previous blog post, I talked about Michael Jackson. I get easily distracted about Michael Jackson because i'm such an enthusiast of him. Do I need self-control? Absolutely. When it comes to the will of God, there is some disciplines we must grow into even when its the toughest to do, but God's word can testify...
"No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way." - Hebrews 12:11
We bind a lack of focus in the name of Jesus. We're so powerful; words can't describe. Through Jesus Christ, we're more than conquerors. Those distractions will not take the place of progression in our walk with Christ and identifying purpose.
3. Comparison.
The "What about me?" spirit is rooted off of comparison. We look at other people's lives all day through social media and subconsciously make comparisons from where we are. "What is it that she has that I don't have?" "She has more than I do." "She must be really blessed to have what she has." And many more.... But all of those thoughts? Are deadly to your lane, purpose, and identity. Let's all admit that we stare too long on someone's page and plant those "Wow.. She must this or that.. or how this or that.." And little do we know, it is planting those seeds of comparison. It shows us our hearts and where we stand with God. How convicting?! That jealous spirit doesn't belong to God. Because we all play a part in the body of Christ, our calling is much as significant as the person you're comparing yourself to. This all connects to "its lack of focus" and "impatience" ...
Your focus is on the fact that this person has what she has and is doing what she is doing and it looks good to you. But let me encourage you sister to start discerning. Discern who you're coveting under, because not everyone may be following Christ and may be gaining her success from a worldly perspective.
Your impatience is on the fact that this person has what you want to happen for yourself. Which is those "abundant blessings", but that relates also to being careful who you're coveting under. And can I be honest with you? You're living in abundant blessings. God has his sweet hand on you. Jesus Christ died for you. There are so many abundant blessings that we take for granted, the little ones that don't seem to matter huh? Well, I challenge you to sit quietly before the Lord and really look at where you are and be grateful for what he has done. Count every little blessing. It will change the position of your heart, and you'll grow to be more gracious to the Lord.
As self-explanatory as it can get, know that comparison kills. Let us not compare our lives to anyone else anymore. Let's stay in our lanes and love, serve, and honor God where we are. I heard from a wise woman of God that "You don't know what that person sacrificed to be where they are today." It may be a Christian Woman that you follow and somehow you still compare yourself to them. Well, always remember that her sacrifices for the Lord got her where she is today to inspire you. For that person to make you feel like she's your very own mentor is exactly why staying in your lane is important because you too, may be someone's answered prayer. Let's stop this comparison. Let's pray for patience. Let's get back focus.