"For myself, I want to know you."
1. For yourself, learn how much God loves you.
I get it, understanding God's unconditional love takes time even when it is as simple as he made it to be, (hint: Jesus Christ). For (John 3:16) says "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of how much God truly loves us. And even when there are many examples of God expressing his love for us, Jesus is the main one that interprets his love of how much we matter to him, for he was the one that paid our debts so that we could be made right with God to now have/build an intimate relationship with him. (2 Corinthians 5:21.) Words can't describe his love, he loved us way before we could ever love him. Let your heart sink into his love.
2. For yourself, seek him.
"Many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus because the woman had said, "He told me everything I ever did! When they came out to see him, they begged him to stay in their village. So he stayed for two days, long enough for many more to hear his message and believe. Then they said to the woman, "Now we believe, not just because of what you told us, but because we have heard him ourselves, now we know that he is indeed the Savior of the world." - John 4:39-42
Such a powerful scripture because it proves that knowing Christ for ourselves is important if we want to get through this thing called life. We may hear about him from others, but in our minds we don't really know who he is until we actually hear him speak to us the same way he spoke to that friend or that family member. Jesus loved to deliver the message that only God instructed him to do. That message is what convinces your heart to believe, to then want to share the same message you've been told. The Samaritan women were phenomenal examples to help us understand that without our own experience we're never fully convinced of how good he is. Get to know the man that is your savior. Let Jesus show you who he really is, for he'll convict but let conviction become your new best friend. God's convictions are great convictions. It's tough to bear but it helps you grow into the person that God has called you to be.
3. The same God that is good to them, is good to you.
Do you not believe that God is good to you too? If we are not careful, we'll mistakenly download the comparison game into our hearts and minds. "There is so much good happening in her life, why isn't it happening in mine?" Yes it is sweetheart, you're just too focus on someone else's life to see it. What God is doing for you, is for you. God works in ways where he reminds you of the things that he has brought you from and how you've overcame the hardships. Pay attention to those moments and Thank God because he has really been good. Believe that God can do wonders in your life and never ask him to duplicate another person's life for you, because it surely won't happen. He created you to be different, as I'm sure he did the same for the other person. You must know in your heart that God is writing your story and will fulfill all of his promises for your life. For yourself, know that he is good. For he is perfect in all of his ways.
For God desires your heart, he sees that you peek around the corner and you'll continue as if he does not see you. You can never hide from a omnipresent God. God understands the position of your heart and your desire for change/understanding of his grace and love. Take that opportunity, God is ready when you are. Know that God is not a God of making everyone the same. He is all about unity, but never creating a person with the exact same DNA, for he created us all uniquely different. We all find out about him in our own way beautifully. Find what makes you special in him and hold on tight to it. You are special in the eyes of God and God wants you to understand him for you. You've heard enough testimonies that send your heart running to the Father for him to then write yours. With finding him for you, this is a testimony within itself to share. Go in peace, for you now will seek and believe that Jesus in indeed the savior of the world.
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