Have you ever been so confident about who God says you are but somehow on a random moment of the day, it seems that confidence starts to wear off? All of a sudden you start feeling the opposite of what God just said to you.
I have admitted to the Lord that sometimes I struggle with reminding myself of who he says I am, and that I'm a little weak mentally when it comes to taking in on other things verses reading the Word. I know I need to be reading the word, but instead I'm focused on everything else that can eventually leave the door open for Satan to say anything and I'll believe it.
In this season, God begin speaking to me in regards to my future. He begin to show snippets of what's to come and there are things that God got specific about that blew my mind. I couldn't believe some of the stuff that he was revealing. But it was in the reveal, that he begin to expose the insecurities I didn't even know I had. Countless of "how's" "but's" and childhood memories of being told I look like a baby all my life, or being too short, spoke louder than what God just said. When he started speaking in regards to believing him for that future spouse, all I could think about was "Will somebody think i'm his little sister?" "Or am I even this or that?
The #1 question us believers have is "Am I enough?" And I feel like the Lord chuckles because he's used to this familiar place with his children. And I believe he purposely speaks to us a little about our destiny so that we can deal with those roots of lies we've been carrying for too long. He knows that insecurity you've had for years can't go into the promise land. He knows that fear you've had would continue to hinder the greater God does have for you.
Trust me, I've had my moments of wondering how and why God even thought of me as such. (let's keep it real.) We all are aware that God has bigger and more for our lives, and when he really starts to speak and share secrets from heaven about us, we get a little timid, wondering how in the heck does God see me as this. He's obviously the God that sees beyond what we can see. So that's why he wants us to invite him again into those thoughts of feeling insignificant, unworthy, and not enough. Because he knows that he is the only one that can uproot what makes us feel the way we do and replace it with his truth.
Remind me again Lord....
...."I'm struggling to see myself as the woman that you've created me to be among the nations for your glory, the wife that will be the best helpmeet that she can be for her husband, the woman who you say doesn't have to put extra touches to herself because you told her that she was your masterpiece."
..."I'm struggling to accept that I am enough, I always feel like I need to do something extra to prove a point or make an appeal just so people can notice that I too, matter. So remind me again Lord... Remind me that you're my good, good father who created such an original that will never be duplicated. Keep my heart and mind on your word when I'm tempted to think otherwise about myself. Keep me near you when I'm second guessing my purpose."
Jesus is faithful with reminding you of who you are.
I remember praying in my quiet time and the Lord gave me this vision of him uprooting dead roots from the ground. And he said that for 2020, I'm getting ready to uproot any bad fruits and dead weeds that have been living within my children for too long, but they must first acknowledge that they have them and let me work the rest out.
God is a gentleman, and he sees what needs work but he can never start the work unless we invite him in to do it. He cares so much that he will continue to poke at that insecurity, that fear, worry, whatever it may be for you, because he is ready to heal it. He is ready to speak life into it. He is ready to plant his good word, so that it may be deeply rooted. He loves you.
So.. Remind me again Lord...
..."I struggle to wake up and read the Word first thing in the morning, and that's what causes my identity to be vulnerable to receive anything. You don't want that for me. Let your word softly mend my heart and transform every insecurity I've ever carried."
As it is now 2020,
I believe that God is about to do some amazing, mind-blowing things this year and it takes his children's attentiveness, yielded soul, and obedience for God to reeaaallly do some mind-blowing stuff that he already had planned. But it also takes us to be humble and just say..."Remind me again Lord..." because we must know who we are walking into this year confidently. Everyday, ASK HIM. It's okay to do that. It's okay to feel unsure and go back running to the Father. He wants that. He loves that because he knows what he is going to do what that which is weaken, because it is by his strength we're more than a conquerer. He gets the greater glory so let's let him get that.
So my encouragement to you on this 1st day of the new decade is walk with the Lord in your "Remind me again Lord..." moments. Those times will be the most intimate times that will help you build a deeper and closer relationship with the Lord.
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