what once was dry
is now being watered
its your new beginning happening within me
it's the springs of your living water pouring out never to thirst again
Its like the sunrise after a stormy day encouraging my heart
I hear the birds chirping and the flowers blooming
I hear your voice speaking over what use to be a weary soul
and you say the new thing is now happening within you
day by day, moment by moment
keep trusting me
When God says in Isaiah 43:19 "See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland" We sometimes perceive new things to be the changing of our circumstances such as maybe a new job or moving to a new city. Maybe new relationships and or friendships. And while all of these are great for the new thing. What if God's new beginning for you is to give you a clean heart first before he provides the new things in your life?
2020 was such a year we've all experienced some brutal pain physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It left our hearts uncertain about everything. It left wounds that many may still struggle to see if there will be any light in 2021. As I sit here and write this, Jesus began to warm my heart of his sweet reminder that "And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you." 1 Peter 5:10
We have a need to surrender broken pieces and trust his sweet voice to restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us so that the harvest he desires to spring forth within us will produce.
He will never let us go.
How long oh' God must these dry bones cry out for water? Jesus hears.
And in his prefect timing he will bring you out.
What's this new beginning when chaos is all that I see? Jesus says.... "Just keep your eyes on me."
I remember having dreams of the number 8. The number 8 in the Bible represents "New Beginnings" I began to rejoice because I knew I was in such a dry place. I was praying for his deliverance into a new atmosphere. I felt that the place I was in was the reason I didn't feel alive on the inside and I thought that God moving me would help me to better hope for revival. Then I realized I wasn't physically moving like I had hoped. "God I thought you said a new beginning was coming. What happened?!"
When things didn't match my perception of what a "New Beginning" looked like, I felt my heart sinking back into the pit of discouragement. "When is this new thing going to happen?!" You showed me in dreams. Until finally, Jesus said to me..."Focus on what I am doing inside of you." I don't understand Jesus. We have an incredible time together but what does that have to do with.... *pause* That's it. I get it.
The New Beginning didn't just have anything to do with new moves and any other desire for that matter. It had everything to do with what he said he was going to do on the inside of me. When I received this revelation, he then said to me "I wanted you to trust my power to do the New Beginning within you in the dry place first before I began to move you to what I have prepared for you."
Some of you may be living under a roof that doesn't do you any good nor gives you the space you need and you've been begging God to breathe. Your perspective of breathe is by asking God to physically move you to another place. But may I suggest to you that maybe God's new beginning wanted to take root within you first. For he has a place prepared for you. His power can restore you wherever you are. He is establishing you in that dry place. Please be encouraged to know that whatever he showed you is the truth of his heart. But he desires the inside of you to match that promise.
Jesus is most concern about the matters of your heart. Think about it. If God is such an amazing gift giver. How would our hearts receive from a broken place? If I would describe the year 2020 for me, it was the year of intentional healing. I knew I didn't feel good on the inside. The process was painful because when it comes to intentional healing, you have to learn how to be not only vulnerable with yourself but with Jesus. I didn't know if I could trust him with that because I had never allowed myself to fully give my life over to him. But he is faithful to sustain you through the most painful path he chooses to start the new thing within you. I have grown closer to Jesus by the way I've allowed him to vulnerably speak life within every broken place in my heart. He was MY New Beginning. His presence was MY New Beginning. And in that space, the places he has prepared for you will match the reality of what he has done on the inside of you.
From your own personal place, you know where you stand with Jesus. But has he been speaking to you lately? What have you already spoken over your life this year? How's your heart right now? Do you believe God for a New Beginning? Not just around you, but within you.
"Lord, make heaven its home in my heart" Jesus desires to dwell in the spaces that once was filled with anguish. He's very familiar with pain and anguish and doesn't dismiss your time to feel. But he wants you to know that he feels with you. Meditating on 1 Peter 5:10, it gives you the understanding that it has always been him that takes you on whatever pathway he desired so that you would know he's the only one that can brings you out. In order for the new beginning to spring forth, you must go through the important areas that lacks his healing hand. He touches those areas and wants you to trust in his mighty power to complete his New Beginning in that area.
You deserve to live with joy, peace, and happiness that comes from Christ. What's happening in the world today can distract you from that. As we pray for restoration in our nation. Let the New Beginning root in you first so that you can effectively be his follower to a broken world.
Step by step
Moment by moment
I continue to run to you for fresh living water
I want your new beginning within my soul
I want your peace and comfort
For your abundant is freely given
And I can behold whats new and trust you
How may God want to bring forth his New Beginning in your life?
Look at where you are. Not by your circumstances but by the rhythm of your heart. How are you feeling?
It's okay to express to Jesus that right now you're not doing so well, but tell him that you desire to and trust him to restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you in this season.
Again I say, he will never let you go. He has you in the palm of his hands.
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