"I do not feel worthy of being used by God. I have failed him too many times."
I know what you're thinking, I've been there plenty of times. In our thinking process, we like to believe the lie that Satan has been telling us. We think that God does not want anything to do with us so we continue to run from him and live the lie that keeps Satan's parties going in your life. Dealing with feeling unworthy has cause you to settle for the reality in your season right now. With the Freedom that God has declare over our lives on behalf of our Savior Jesus Christ. To God, he wants to make notice to us about no longer having to feel bound by sin and ashamed of his glory. But how is it that we do not declare it for ourselves? Do you believe because of the lack of understanding of God's decision to sacrifice his only son, we are blindsided to our full potential in Christ? Could that be your reasoning to thinking that you are not "eligible" to be used by God? Take your mind off of your circumstances and give yourself a minute to think beyond in a spiritual perspective. God loves you unconditionally and is always willing to use whosoever desires to. But what is stopping you from being use? Let's check some important points.
- Repent.
You must repent of your sins in order to be fully used by God. "Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away.Then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah." | Acts 3:19-20 NLT | How diligent have you been in repenting of your sins? If you do not consistently, do not get discouraged, here's to a new beginning. It is okay to be honest because honesty is pleasing to God. He loves a sincere and sorrowing heart pleading for his forgiveness. "Sin" is the closed door to God's heart. When we are clothed in sin, we are feeding the enemy his desires instead of what God wants. Wanting to be used by God requires repentance. You must check your heart before you "think" you are earnestly repenting to our Lord. God examines the heart and is fully aware of your dishonesty. In the mind, you may say that you are done being involved with ungodly activity, but in your heart, you are not completely agreeing with giving up that lifestyle. Be mindful of what you ask God for, if you want to be used, know that sin will NOT be attached in God's will for your life.2. Born Again.
"Jesus replied,"I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. So don't be surprised when I say," You must be born again." | John 3:5-7 NLT | Being used by God requires being born again. After your genuine repentance, you have allowed God to enter in and cleanse your mind, body, and soul to being whole in his image. Remember when I said check your heart? Well.. yes, keep checking. All of God's word is pure truth that people try to twist, of course God wants all of us to be born again and he desires to use us, but are we ready to be used? Wanting God in your life verses keeping the lifestyle that satisfies your flesh is a set up for destruction. If you commit to God and steady commit to your lifestyle, the relationship with God will become lukewarm. Being Born Again is about the renewal of not half of you, but ALL of you. Keep checking your heart, do you really want God and to be used by him? Or are you considering this like a fashion trend that most people get into but are dipping in and out?
Did you know that God is still able to use those who don't follow him?
Including unbelievers, the amazement about our God is that we overlook what he actually does in our life. Always pay attention to the conversation that triggers you the most, God may be speaking to you. Always be alert to the circumstances around you, God may be trying to get your attention at that moment. Be encouraged to know that if God can use those who are not following him, then you are more than worthy of being used because you are a believer.
God has been using you all the time honey, but you never recognized it because your heart was covered in sin. You were blindsided to the actual voice of God and continue to listen to the enemy speak over your life. Whisper this to yourself, "I am a Child of God. He can and will use me."
Say it as a prayer and have faith in knowing that God has heard you and is ready to step in your life.
Now let's get back to this word "Eligible" Are you? OF COURSE. You have always been in God's eyes. Always remember:
- Get out of your earthy thinking! This is NOT a Job Application.
Job Applications are something you fill out, submit, and wait for weeks or even months for a response. But when you submit yourself to Jesus Christ, he answers INSTANTLY!! Everything that was required of you has been paid for on the cross. Jesus paid that debt honey! Just remain having that repentance heart and continue to take ownership of your wrong-doings. Know that Jesus is the submission to your application God never overlooks.
- Keep pressing towards Jesus.
Jesus loves you so much that he constantly reminds you of how worthy you are of being used. In this life, you will have moments of feeling weary, tired, and discouraged but God will restore your faith and always give you reasons not to give up. The enemy will attack twice as harder because he sees that he can no longer throw parties in your mind anymore. But do not be alarmed, he has no power, you're a child of God who he protects and WILL use according to his glory!
- Embrace the process.
Yes!! Consider everything that God takes you through all joy!! |James 1-2| God is only pruning you because he has so much in store for you. He is excited for what he can finally do in you, to give you that light that can shine so bright in other people's eyes. Let God give you his peace, love, and joy through the beginning stages because he knows how hard it is going to be. And lastly, make sure that you pay attention always to what God reveals to you because little to do you know honey......
I love you.
God bless you.
Love, Desjane
- Embrace the process.
Yes!! Consider everything that God takes you through all joy!! |James 1-2| God is only pruning you because he has so much in store for you. He is excited for what he can finally do in you, to give you that light that can shine so bright in other people's eyes. Let God give you his peace, love, and joy through the beginning stages because he knows how hard it is going to be. And lastly, make sure that you pay attention always to what God reveals to you because little to do you know honey......
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