What must I do for me to be noticed?
In this life full of possibilities, we tend to get over anxious about when our time is coming. We like to watch the clock and hear it tick-tock until that "possibility" gets its chance with us. I know I have been in ruff stages in my life where I felt I was not good enough for the proper job, relationship, friendship, etc. It becomes more than what you actually want, once you start to feel overlooked for something that is special to you, you will start to think the same in regards to every aspect of your life. Your mind will become clustered with the thought of rejection. I want to be brief with you on a special message that God wants to share and your reasoning for feeling/being overlooked.
1. You're Chosen.
God has chosen you for a very special purpose that no one will be able to take away from you. The reason why you're so overlooked is because God see something far more special in you than what he has already done in the people that overlook you.The things that you hope for may not be what God has intended for you, he has BIGGER plans than what you had in mind. He throws at you his test and trials because he is preparing you for the destiny that you have yet to see. So when you're overlooked, don't think that God has forgotten about you. People will overlook you because of what God is forming. They may be intimidated by the potential in you, you are unaware of this, but most times people can tell from a mile away that you have a special gift. So God uses that to your advantage to move you forward into his will. What you see is far more in God's eyes. He is protecting you for those who you WANT to look to you for opportunity. Life is full of opportunities but only God can choose the right ones for you. Don't let your flesh override your self-esteem by bringing it low.
2. You're Handpicked.
God takes his precious time handpicking those who he finds trustworthy of him to do the job he requires. Regardless if your heart has not be confirmed of his calling on your life, in his timing, he will reveal to you his amazing plan. When God changes your thinking, he will explain to you why everything was not working out. He will ask you to check your heart because most times, we become envy and jealous of the attention and opportunities that others get, that our hearts will be deeply rooted in sin to get what we think we need to make ourselves feel better. And God does not want us to idol someone else's life or opportunity. When it comes to our feelings, we try to accommodate and do what we can to make sure we are seen/picked next time, but God does not want you to settle for the world's expectations, he only wants you to trust in him to be the writer of your life. God knows what is best for you, and what you "think" is best for you outside of God's will won't work, you will continue to be disappointed with the ending results. God is not using your overlooking as a sign of abandonment, he is using it to further your relationship with Christ to help build you into the woman/man he has called you to be so the next time those opportunities continue to fail, you will know that God is testing your faith and know that the Father does not overlook you no matter what continued to be a delay in your life. He loves you and has great plans for you. Don't continue to seek after those who God did not design to be apart of his will.
Honey, you are more than what you think you are. You are eligible for anything that God places on your heart. You have the power to do all the great things God has in store for you, don't continue to beat yourself up due to lack of recognition. God, the greatest of all time, never overlooks you, in fact, he is so in love with you that he constantly finds more room to bless you nonstop. Follow Jesus and let him fill that void of abandonment and rejection in your heart. God sees you as more valuable, and he has divine plans for you. So continue to push through, don't give up, don't give in, don't be anyone other than who God has called you to be. You will get that job that you longed for, you will get that husband/wife that God has promised, you will be the spokesperson for your family, friends, and peers. YOU WILL. YOU WILL. YOU WILL!!!!!!
You have to learn how to declare over your life because then that gives access to Jesus that you ultimately trust him. Us over-lookers will become over-comers and achievers in Jesus Name' Amen.
Love, Desjane
I love you.
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