When am I going to get married? When is it going to be turn for a promotion? When am I going to know the next move you have for me Lord? When am I going to know if I got this Job? When am I going to do this? When am I going to do that? When! When! When! I get it. You want to know what God has planned for your life, you want the full picture before God even has a chance to reveal it to you. Trust me, I was in the same boat and most times find myself dipping in and out. If I am honest enough, I must say that honey, we're all human. We sometimes overthink about the "WHENS", "WHYS", and "HOWS" and become frustrated because we talk to God about our desires and do not realize how caught up we've become in our own view of seeing how he will give it to us. God's way of how it will be done is totally different from how you think it is going to come. We sometimes entertain our flesh into thinking that it is spiritual and want to put the blame on God, then become impatient and lose focus to pay attention to things that are not of God. Listen,
Here are some tips I want to bring to your attention during your "When" moments with God.
1. Be Complete Honest.
Most times we forget that God is GOD. God is all-knowing. He understands your feelings, he knows your hearts desires, so why not be honest with him about your true feelings about the process. Do you think he is not aware of how you feel? Do you think he will be disappointed in you for not confessing? No honey, don't continue to have such ungodly thoughts clouding your head, the enemy wants you to believe such a thing. Tune him out, and know that God is patient and is always willing to have a heart to heart when you are ready. Pour your heart out to the Lord and I guarantee you that he will intercede and give you peace. Continue to trust in him during the confusion because sometimes you have to celebrate what you don't know, keep moving forward, and trust that God is going to take care of you. He always does. He will never fail you. Ever.
Testimony: During my time spent with God, I would just get excited and be filled with joy to know that he had such a divine plan and I can feel him sharing little sneak peaks of my future. It motivated me, and I started to believe it in my heart. I remember this specific moment of believing God for something and whenever I was approached by it, I would get disappointed because of what I "saw". I thought I would see what my mind envisioned but I always turned out to be wrong. But I would hide those feelings as if God was not God (as it goes back to #1) and continue to lie to myself to only make the anger continue to build within.
Brothers and Sisters, let me encourage you to never turn back on what you believe God is going to do in your life base on what you are seeing in the right now. When you depend on what you see, most times you will get discouraged and frustrated because you thought what was shown to you was going to be your actual reality the very next day! Not quite yet sweetheart, know that God's timing is perfect and that he does not operate on our own timing. God just wants you to not lean on your own understanding and just trust him with all of your heart to fulfill those desires.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5 NLT
3. Patience is a Virtue.
I know you're tired, trust me, I was. We all have our weary moments. But I promise you, if you case your cares and worries onto the Lord, he will take care of you. | 1 Peter 5:7 | He knows everything about you and has already planned out his will for your life, he just wants you to follow and be obedient to what he has asked of you. Not ask him 15 million questions within an hour, because it lets him know that you are doubting his promises and your faith is a little questionable but throw that mindset away and ask God for patience. We all need it in every aspect of our lives. Patience is great confirmation on to the Lord that we can be trusted. He knows that we are content with the season that we are in and not wasting it on complaining about where we want to go. God knows the right time and place when your season will change in Jesus Name.
4. Embrace the Preparation.
Consider this process all joy, be happy that God has allowed such trials, tribulations, and hardships in your life because those are the moments God reveal a piece of your true identity and growth in him. They are a part of his will, he loves such a humble soul enduring his hardships he allows. So be that Daughter/Son who will keep pressing forward no matter how the storm looks. You are covered by Jesus who loves you unconditionally. This is for your own good. Be satisfied in the pruning season and love what God is doing in you.
5. Turn those "WHENS" into "TRUSTING"
"TRUST" God no matter what! Take those "WHENS" and place them at the feet of the Father. Those desires won't come faster complaining and dreading that God will do it sooner than you have asked of him. Remember, you're his child and he is the Father, no matter what you say, he will do it on his timing. So honey, trust him. Those two strong words can go so far if you really believe it in your heart. God has given you the authority to speak over Satan, so don't back down and let him win, speak over him, say "God has a divine plan for me and you Satan WILL not stop him. You will not get the best of my mind, heart, and soul. God is my Father, and he will take great care of me." You can no longer continue to beat yourself up for something that you know God has promised you, just not on YOUR TIMING. Not in how you imagined it would come, but only how God designs it.
I love you ok? Don't you let those "WHENS" make you miss your blessings. God is working honey. He never stops. He is just so amazing. I promise. If you're in a "WHEN" season? I pray that you receive this word, meditate on it, and start trusting God more in your life. God bless you.
Love, Desjane.
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