Lord, what is happening right now? I'm so tired.
It seems like every time I'm in a good space with my peace
Something comes and hits me from another direction
Why does it seem like I keep getting attacked over and over again?
Did you leave me here to fight every single battle by myself?
I know you're my strength when I am weak
But it feels like a setup to be defeated
But wait...
I suddenly remember that song "Surrounded" by Michael W Smith
As the lyrics "It may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by you" spoke to my soul
I heard your still small voice say "get up again"
Every time I've felt weak and tired, I would feel his comforting presence and hear his sweet whisper of "Keep enduring Daughter. It's only for a little while" I would shake my head with tears streaming down my face. "I don't know Lord, I'm doing my best to keep pushing." I would imagine Christ standing next to me with his hand on my shoulder telling me to take a deep breath and rest in the "be still and know I am God". It's exhausting just thinking of what is wearing you out.
"Father, I feel overworked at my job. Things keep changing and it's getting annoying, it seems like there are some unrealistic expectations being made and I am doing my best."
"Am I being obedient enough? I don't want to stress myself out but I just want to know how I'm doing. I know you said that your love & salvation isn't earned, it's freely given, but sometimes I feel myself working to impress you."
"Lord, what's going on with this credit card, it seems like I've been doubled charged for an uber. *signs* I have to call and make sure these transactions are correct. See Lord? It seems like i'm being attacked left from right."
I believe God has tons of jars for every single tear I've shed in this season.You have to bear through the weight of tests and trials, make sure you learn from them, keep growing, stay obedient, and on top of that, you have to endure through little attacks you know the enemy is trying to use to distract you from the real battles that are worth our energy in defeating. "Lord, this is too much. I need a break." But as soon as my rant is over, Jesus kindly reminds me....
"So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold, though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world." 1 Peter 1:6-7 NLT
"Jesus you're the one that we hope for. And when you tell me to count it all joy, it can be very hard to do because my mind sometimes is always fixed on the circumstance at hands instead of the eternal promise of knowing that this too shall pass."
Our weariness is normal, Christ knows we're tired. He got tired. (I Recommend you watch this incredible sermon by Steven Furtick "Tired on the Inside") We get tired of the same cycles, certain environments, lack of political change, the lynching of black lives, nagging bosses, social media trolls, COVID-19, our own addictions and habits, and countless of things that you may feel tired to even express. Let's breathe and rest. Close your eyes. Imagine Christ's hand on your shoulder.
When I read 1 Peter 1:6-7, Jesus helped me to see that at the end of the day, we always had the victory. Currently, I've been experiencing some heavy refining and there have been days when tears were words. I would feel the weight of the test and or trial, I would deal with trying not to respond to what's negatively being poured out at me. I would endure and endure and sit feeling empty. Feeling like strength left my entire body. "Lord, if I had the choice, I would want you to come and pick me up a little earlier. I would rather be with you than to put up with this." Every time I said that, he knew I was speaking from a place of wanting to give up and stop trying. His heart was warmed for just wanting to be with him, but he also reassured me that it is not time yet. He still has so much he wants to do through me before he returns.
When we're tired, its tempting to look at what God has blessing us with and all of sudden treat it like it's a curse. The job God blessed me with started getting on my nerves, I felt it was time to move on in my life, so I stopped sowing into that place. I was just tired, letting my timing speak for itself. But I had to get out of myself and ask Jesus where was he. Obviously he's still at the same place with me at this current job. Therefore, I need to surrender my moodiness to believe I'm so ready to move on and stay faithful with where I am.
Another reason why I felt so tired was because I was working myself up to the approval of God. Listen, if you believe that you can earn God's love through your works. You're missing the point of his grace. He isn't checking for you to work for his love. His salvation was given freely. He loves you no matter what. I was wearing myself out thinking I needed to be doing something in order to let God know that I loved him and that I wanted to be loved in return. Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ. (Romans 8:38) "So breathe and rest. Close your eyes. Imagine Christ's hand on your shoulder."
When we're tired, it may seem like God isn't listening, but he is. I believe that it is he that turns the fire up a notch because there's something he placed down on the inside of you that he's birthing out. You're in such a refining season, so everything around you and within seems tiring. Test and trials come suddenly, and you feel like you have to defeat the fight by yourself, as if God pushed you out on the battlefield to make a fool of yourself. God doesn't do that. Most of the battles that wear us out are the ones that we're trying to fight that belong to him.
When we're tired, the Lord wants to teach us to cling to him. We're use to running for strength in other places and or people. He wants to be the ultimate source of strength. He gives strength to the weary. He gives rest to the weary. Let's breathe and rest. Close your eyes. Imagine Christ's hand on your shoulder.
Notice I kept repeating "Let's breathe and rest. Close your eyes. Imagine Christ's hand on your shoulder." because it's an amazing holy imagination that takes your eyes off of what is weighting you down and onto your savior. What you're enduring through is only for a little while sis. Take the pressure off of yourself to feel like you have to throw at least one more punch, when the Lord is standing right next to you fighting that battle. There are some battles Jesus equips us for, but there are also battles that belong to the Lord. He's already won. You've already won. You've had the victory sense before you were in your Mother's womb. Rest in his presence.
We're all tired from something so spend quiet time asking yourself honest questions.
Get to the bottom of what's making you tired.
It can be personal.
It could relate to what's going on in this world.
Either way, Jesus cares and understands. He just wants to hear from you.
He desires to give strength to the weary.
1. What's weighting on your heart in this season?
2. What have you allowed to stress you out and make you feel tired?
3. What has God blessed you with that you're tempted to treat as a curse?
Scriptures for the weary and tired:
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." | Matthew 11:28-29
I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. | Jeremiah 31:25
"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Isaiah 40:29
"For who is God besides The Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure." Psalm 18:31-32
"He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10
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